With more people stuck at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, food takeout and delivery services have become so common. While the current outbreak might have been the toughest challenge the food industry have ever had to face, it does illustrate the amazing resilience and out of bounds creativity of the restaurants.
To meet the “new normal” demands and stay afloat, most restaurants have shifted their entire business model overnight, restructuring their menus to accommodate family-size or group meals and jazzing up their do-it-yourself meal kit games to eke out their sales.
These meal kits include fresh and preportioned ingredients, with well-illustrated recipe cards or instructional videos on how to prepare, cook, and plate the dish, perfect for foodies with increasing culinary curiosity, mediocre cooks who want to play chef for a day or for patrons who are simply missing their favorite restaurant grub.
With many restaurants putting their signature dishes in a fool-proof boxed meal, who is to say that you cannot have a full gastronomic experience at the safety of your homes?
Here are some restaurants that offer creative food kits to satisfy your cravings during the tedious days of social-distancing: