11 Best New Year’s Eve Fireworks Displays That Made The Arrival of 2022 Feel All The More Special

Photo credit: Moritz Knöringer via Unsplash Apart from the feast, friends and family, another thing people look forward to on New Year’s Eve is the fireworks extravaganza.  Something about exploding pyrotechnics punctuating the jet-black sky ignites a sense of celebration and a fresh, new beginning. These fireworks displays are also something of an international tradition.

How Hotels Across Asia Bid Farewell To 2021 This Year

Photo credit: Banyan Tree Samui Nothing says great New Year Eve/New Year like an extravagant firework display and a fine feast shared with your loved ones.  Here's an event created for the 5 Fs: fun, family, friends, fare and fireworks. Every year, these stellar hotels in Asia wrap up the year with their annual NYE